BALPA Flight Safety Events

Aviation Safety, The Challenge of the Unexpected
Does the aviation industry do enough to deal with the unexpected?
Tom Laursen (Adaptive Support) and James Burnell (BALPA Flight Safety) present and discuss the need to build adaptive capacity & resilience within our complex socio-technical systems to manage what we can never predict.
They will also discuss whether the regulators, such as ICAO & EASA, have built a regulatory structure with an accurate enough understanding of the system to support the creation of safety within the complex parts of the aviation industry.

BALPA Flight Safety has assembled speakers who are well-versed in SMS operation to discuss the value of these systems in creating safety within our modern complex organisations.
What is the intent of the SMS?
What are the real benefits?
If any, what are the downsides?
Given the evolution to date, what do we do now?
These are just some of the areas the panel will discuss, and we hope you, the audience, can be part of this important and hopefully ongoing discussion.
More info - HERE

Humanising Safety
Hold onto your hats! This will be our most challenging event yet.
The speakers who are generously giving us their time will help build a vision of the world beyond the mechanistic & ethically challenging approaches to safety and risk we currently employ into a world that embraces humanity, uncertainty, and learning.

Fatigue and Well-being in Aviation
Join us at this BALPA Zoom conference to hear from some of the thought leaders in fatigue and wellbeing.
We will be joined by Arvid Müllern-Aspegren from Boeing, Paul Jackson from Fresh Air Training, Paul Cullen from Trinity College Dublin, and Erin Flynn from NASA who will illuminate the latest thinking in fatigue management from pilot and airline perspectives, pilot wellbeing and the some of the possible issues faced as flying ramps up again for summer 2021.

Making Sense of Aviation Safety
Join BALPA Flight Safety at this Zoom event where we will explore our understanding of complexity within aviation.
We will be joined by Gary Wong, Cengiz Turkoglu, and Sonja Blignaut who will introduce us to some properties of complex adaptive systems and some implications for safety management within our systems.
BALPA Flight Safety is working with Cengiz Turkoglu from Cranfield University and the Cynefin Foundation to explore improved ways to make sense of safety within our airlines and we will introduce you to the concepts behind this ongoing study and the tools we plan to use.
To view the recordings click here.

Day 2 - Sharing Complexity and System Safety Thinking for Airlines (Zoom Webinar)
February 2nd - Day 2 (13:00 - 17:30 GMT )
The second day focuses on the practical implementation of these new safety concepts and then moves to the view from the regulators.
For more detail on the event click HERE
Sean Kerrick - James Kwasny - Nicholas Peterson
Adam Johns - Val Stait
Ivan Pupulidy
Kathryn Jones
Ed Corbett

Day 1 - Sharing Complexity and System Safety Thinking for Airlines (Zoom Webinar)
A collection of todays leading safety specialists give an introduction to Safety II thinking and the concepts of safety born from an understanding of complexity and system thinking.
February 1st - Day 1 (13:00 to 17:30 GMT)
The first day focuses on the reasons for the new safety theory and starts to outline how the theory transitions into practice.
For more detail on the event click HERE
Erik Hollnagel
Steven Shorrock
Jon Holbrook
Robert de Boer