Sharing Complexity and System Safety Thinking for Airlines
This BALPA Safety Conference is centred around the theme of Safety II.
Professor Erik Hollnagel takes us into the immediate theory, and we expand to look at the views of industry specialists and their lived experience with this approach. Both in the regulation and application of the theory in a real-world setting.
Our Aims
Global Aim
The standing aim of any BALPA Safety Conference is to facilitate connections and conversations between the many actors in safety within the UK airline industry and beyond. Be that union officials, regulators and safety professionals of all types.
Specific Aims
Our specific aim of this conference is to show that progression beyond compliance and process safety is not just accessible and practical but vitally needed for continued safety improvement in our complex adaptive operations.
We will demonstrate that by using these concepts, we can safely learn and improve while still meeting the current regulatory requirements.
Moving Forward
We have an incredible safety record as an industry, and this conference does nothing to undermine that achievement.
We hope to show that these ideas do not replace the work done to date but rather complement our current approach and enable the continuing evolution of our safety systems.

Improvement Begins with Discussion
BALPA Flight Safety Webinars aim to start, improve and continue the conversation amongst the key players in aviation safety and beyond with the goal of continual learning and improvement in our industry.
Common Understanding is Key
Commonality of purpose and diversity of thought produces robustness and better outcomes in any complex system. If we are all part of the same conversation we can learn and improve together in better ways. Regulators, safety professionals, airlines, union safety reps - theory, practice, regulation.
Grow Together
Safety understanding is never proprietary information. Everyone benefits from this flow of knowledge. Join us for the first BALPA safety webinar and be part of the evolution of safety.